EVENT: DuPage Countywide Institute Day - Keynote Speaker

Posted Thu, Feb 29, 2024 in Press Media

FaCS Keynote with The Chicago Pattern Maker

On Friday March 1, high school educators will spend the day at the College of DuPage, exploring the latest tools, technology, and best practices in Career and Technical Education. Organized by content areas, breakout sessions will be led by CTE experts including, College of DuPage faculty, regional district CTE instructors, and local professionals.

I am SO honored to be the Keynote speaker for the Family and Consumer Science educators track! I'm excited to share stories from my own professional journey and how various experiences in and out of school have helped shape my career, along with ideas for how high school educators may be able to better reach and inspire their students to find their own career paths in the textiles, apparel, sewn products industry, whether they have an interest in design and development, merchandising, or manufacturing. Everyone knows about fashion designers, but not everyone knows the plethora of other roles that are not only necessary, but also very high-value, to make shit happen.

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