Xochil News: Behind the Seams

Sat, May 4, 2024

FEATURED: Xochil in 'Behind The Seams'

Xochil's April SEAMS X-Files article is featured in SPESA's 'Behind the Seams' newsletter.

Fri, Oct 2, 2020

Virtual Fittings - Yes It's Possible!

We work with many of our clients remotely -- either because they live outside of the Chicago metro area, or these days so that we can avoid in-person meetings to prevent exposure and spread of COVID-19.

Fri, Nov 1, 2019

The Product Development Process

Have you ever wondered what goes into starting a clothing line? Or have you been wanting to start and not know where to begin? This is the perfect place to start!

Mon, May 6, 2019

Telling Stories Through Fashion

Hopefully my message inspired someone in the audience -- and I'm pleased to share highlights from this talk (edited down from an hour) for you!

Mon, Apr 15, 2019

Benefits of a LIVE Collaborative Design Session

Designs that require draping, or functional items that need to be experimented with can benefit from having a LIVE Collaborative Design Session.

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FREE Sourcing Toolkit From The Chicago Pattern Maker

I created this toolkit just for you! Enter your email below to receive the Sourcing Toolkit.